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Can we be fully healed from a traumatic experience? Why do most of us choose to run away from our pain instead of taking time to heal it? What is life like, when we liberate ourselves finally, from the pain event? Come join me in this episode, as we journey together down the healing lane.




❇️ My Personal Journey 

❇️ What Is Trauma 

❇️ 3 Steps To Healing Trauma


In the light of this episode, a tragedy had just happened in my previous high school. The news had shocked the whole country, a 16 years old had murdered another student aged 13 in the school compound, under broad daylight.

This tragical news brought me back to one of my darkest memory in life. I was also 16 that year, studying in this same high school, when my father died, suddenly. The news shattered my world completely. 

In those days, no one talks about trauma, death or mental wellness. All we know is to clean up all the mess and move on with our lives quickly. Survival is the only priority.

So, I did. As soon as the funeral ceremony was completed, I packed up my tears, my shock, my sorrow, my confusion and my anger, and began to work hard for my Leaving Exams (O Levels). 

Soon, the pain was gone, and the memories faded. But what I did not know was that for the next 20 odd years, I would be carrying this teenage trauma in a dark corner of my mind, leading me to a series of darkness in my later adult life.

It was until I jumpstarted on my healing journey and became an emotion healer myself, that I uncovered this hidden pain that had been quietly awaiting for my attention to heal it.

If there is one thing I learned from my whole traumatic experience, it is the ardent need to allow deep and thorough grieving. 

Grieving is an essential part of the healing process, if we skip this step, the rest of our paths will lead us into darkness. Only because, it is still expecting our final resolution. 


It took me a really long time to put my family tragedy into words and into the open world. I guess making this video was in a way, part of my healing too. Because the only way to deal with our inner demons is to face it.

As I wrote the script and spoke the words in front of the camera, I had a hard time controlling my tears. But what rolled down my cheek were not the tear of sorrow and anguish, they were tears of acceptance, unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and the liberation.

I had a really tough father-daughter relationship when I was young because of the many things he did and didn't do. And even after his death, the resentment still brewed deep in my heart. In fact, with his departure from my life, I thought this was it. The ending is final and cannot be changed.

But I was totally wrong. In the healing phase of reconciling with this trauma, miraculously,  all the bitterness and darkness were dissolved. For the first time in my life, I forgave my father. And I was able to say "Thank You, pa. I love you."

I said this was a miracle because you have no idea the amount of anger and blame I had carried in my heart and even ready to carry into my grave.

But here you go... the amazing power of healing and awakening.

When you heal, you began to see the truth behind the pain. Regaining strength and expanding your ability to love again.

So without further ado, I hope you will find some warmth and light in this video. And I'll love to hear from you if you have any thoughts or pain stories to share with the community too.

Shall we begin?



Heal With Silvia

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Disclaimer: All materials here are provided for informational or educational purposes only and are not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Also, I would like to remind that as with any alternative healing practices, the results vary across individuals. This is not meant to treat any medical illnesses and replacing any medication or medical treatment.

©2019-2024 by Shan Living.

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