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If you feel stuck in your job, your marriage, your relationship, your sickness, your financial issues, your life... ...this entrapment that you are experiencing, is actually not about your circumstances but your emotions.
Many of us try to fix our situation but it is near impossible because the universal truth is, we cannot control what is outside of us.
The secret formula to get out of a life roadblock is only by going inwards. When we shift out of the emotional attachments, we unstuck our mind and begin to manoeuvre our way out of the tunnel.

I'm Silvia and welcome to Shan Living.
I founded Shan Living in 2019, with the aspiration to create a peaceful healing space for anyone who is in search of a place to simply rest, heal and reset.
I personally went through a long and winding emotional healing journey which eventually led me to my life calling in the healing works. I have ventured into a wide spectrum of alternative healing modalities and finally found my spiritual resonance in the inner works of energy related to our subconscious mind and emotions.
Emotion Healing has now become my major devotion and passion ever since I discovered the profound power of how emotional energy can change our lives, well it changed mine. And witnessing the impact and transformation on my clients in the last two years further inspired me to continue on the mastery of this amazing healing tool.
If you are currently going through difficult times in your life and are struggling to cope with your difficult emotions, I would love to connect with you and show you how Emotion Healing can set you free from this entrapment.
Hope to see you in Shan Living some day, in divine timing.
Sending you lots of love and light,

Emotion Healing is an intuitive-based therapy to help you cope with difficult emotions during difficult times. By finding out the underlying trapped emotions attached to your specific issue, you will be able to further process these unwanted energy and release them to allow your holistic healing and life transformation to begin.
The Techniques
Emotion Healing therapy is a holistic practice that aims to rebalance the body and mind by working on the subconscious emotions that are creating the disharmony within us.
Over the years of practice, my techniques and approach have continued to evolve and refined but both "energy healing" and "emotion code" had remained my foundational principles and anchor to guide the process.

Emotion Healing therapy is greatly inspired by an alternative technique known as the Emotion Code™.
This technique was founded by Dr. Bradley Nelson more than 20 years ago when he figured out that every personal ailment, whether physical or life situation, is linked to trapped emotions concealed in our subconsciousness. As he applied Emotion Code™ to his patients, he saw the miraculous impact of recovery. If you are interested to find out more, I encourage you to visit his official site or read up the book.
Stumbling on this Dr. Nelson's Emotion Code™ was a huge turning point in my healing journey and I decided to give back by becoming a certified practitioner to enable more people to benefit from this healing method.
To help his patients, Dr. Nelson researched and finally found an effective way to extract the trapped emotions buried in our subconscious mind via a kinesiology concept called muscle testing.
Muscle-testing was discovered by Dr Goodheart in 1964 when he realised how our muscles respond consistently to our subconscious thoughts, which largely falls into two categories - positive and negative. By forming polar questions (e.g. is my name Silvia?), we can use our muscle reaction, which also react in two ways - strong or weak, to retrieve the answer (yes or no).
Our subconscious mind is the compartment in our energy brain that stores every single detail of our experiences and knowledge, including those we have inherited and absorbed unknowingly. Imagine the wealth of information we can learn about our true self once we can log into this magnificent databank.

Emotions are weightless, yet they can make our heart feel so heavy.

Everything is made of energy, including our emotions. It is precisely this invisible energy form of emotions that made it difficult to comprehend what is really going on in our head and our heart. The concept of energy had been studied since ancient times in the east, every tradition of wellness practice from yoga to meditation, tai-chi to chinese acupressure, are all based on the principles of energy flow.
Flow is good. We do not want our energy to be stalled, stagnate and blocked because that is when problems will arise.
To complete our Emotion Healing therapy, the final step is a relaxing process of energy release. In chinese medicine studies, our "life energy" move through 14 channels across our inner body and the longest one is the "governing meridian" that runs from the tip of our upper lips to the end of our tail bone. To release any imbalanced energy, we can easily do that by channeling them via this highway.
The Healing Experience

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